About Us

Trauma Informed Education was initiated following a Maynooth University/Alcohol Action Ireland capacity building project, funded by the Irish Research Council. The project aimed to raise awareness and build capacity for trauma-informed practice within education systems.

CatrionaThe website is curated by Dr Catriona O’Toole, Associate Professor at Maynooth University Department of Education & chartered psychologist (PSI). Catriona.a.otoole@mu.ie

Catriona believes in the transformative potential of education and the unique role that schools play in children and young people’s lives. She is committed to supporting trauma-informed approaches in education that enable all students to feel safe, connected and flourish at school.



Our second curator is Leslie-Ann Webster. Leslie-Ann is an Early Childhood Care and Education tutor. Leslie-Ann has completed her degree in Early Childhood Teaching and Learning and Master of Education here at Maynooth University. She is currently undertaking her Doctoral studies that surround Trauma Informed Practices within Early Childhood.

Leslie-Ann is passionate about children receiving best quality care and education through the lenses of compassion and empathy, thus supporting overall holistic care and well-being of young children. She believes that the relationships formed within the Early Years setting plays an invaluable role, that underpins future learning and development.



We are committed to sharing experiences and knowledge. If you have an event, resources, or news that you would like to share on this site, please email: traumainformededucators@gmail.com. Note, this email account is checked on fortnightly basis